2025 London Marathon
Sunday 27th April 2025

For 2025 we have one London Marathon place available. Should you wish to apply for the OCD-UK Charity Place we are asking all interested participants to complete our application form below.

The successful applicant will be asked to fundraise a minimum of £2250 and pay a £75 registration fee, but the registration fee will be refunded once the fundraising target is met. Should you wish to take part for OCD-UK, but are not sure you can fundraise the minimum amount or pay the registraton fee, please feel free to apply regardless, your application will still be considered.

The reason we ask for such an amount to be raised is to help us pay for the cost of the place and because this may be the only guaranteed London Marathon place we have for several years, we therefore have to maximise the fundraising potential the place offers.

Update - 23rd August: Due to the overwhelming demand if we have now closed applications. We will be in touch with the successful candidate later next week and we very much hope that we may secure future places for the 2026 marathon and beyond.

Closing Date for Applications: Friday 23rd August 2024