Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, our online conference venue
We are delighted to invite you to the first ever OCD-UK virtual conference, promoting recovery from OCD!
Our virtual conference is completely free of charge, but should you find a presentation helpful, we welcome a small donation for each presentation you attend, to help us cover our platform costs.
See our virtual conference hotel map for specific areas you may be interested in. Simply click on any section to find the different talks and chats by the amazing speakers and presentations that will make this virtual conference so special!

Conference Registration Desk
To make the conference completely customisable to you and your interests, you can register for each presentation individually on the relevant presentation webpage.
Take a look at our conference map to view the different areas available. Simply click on any section to find out what presentations or activities our amazing speakers are hosting there and to find out what will make this virtual conference so special!
Our conference team of Gemma, Kirstie, Zoe and Ashley are here to answer any questions that you may have before and during the conference. Simply email conference@ocduk.org.