2021 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!
Family Accommodation
Broadcast live on Saturday 27th November 2021
Dr Maxine Howard, Clinical Psychologist
Dr Sasha Walters, Senior Clinical Psychologist
Presentation subject
As you know, OCD doesn’t just affect young people; it frequently draws family members into distressing and impairing rituals and routines. In this talk, we will explore the concept of family ‘accommodation’ and ways that families can support their loved one to stand up to the OCD bully.
Clinic Website: www.slam.nhs.uk/national-services/child-and-adolescent-services/camhs-ocd/
Dr Maxine Howard is a Clinical Psychologist at the National and Specialist OCD, BDD and Related Disorders Service for Children and Young People (South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust). She has worked at the service since 2018, providing specialist assessment and evidence-based treatment to children and young people with OCD across the country. Maxine is a peer-reviewed author and has taught at a number of events across both academic and clinical settings.
Dr Sasha Walters is a clinical psychologist who qualified in 2015 from the university of Bath Course following completing a PhD in the role of children's cognitions of inter-parental conflict during school transition. Sasha is based at the Oxford Health Specialist Psychological Intervention Centre (OHSPIC), and also works part time for the OCD team at the Maudsley Hospital.
Sasha is also a BABCP accredited practitioner and has spent her career to date working in specialist CBT services for children and young people with OCD, anxiety and depression. She has special interests in working with children with OCD and emetophobia (fear of vomiting) and works clinically and academically in these areas.

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