2021 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!
Teens Tipi launch followed by Drawing workshop with Zoë
Presentation subject
This drawing workshop is for teens (ages 13-18) to explore creativity, express themselves and their experiences with OCD, and connect with other young people who have OCD. And for those who are not used to doing anything creative, don’t let that stop you from getting involved, do come along and give it a go! There is no right or wrong with creativity. Any questions? Email conference@ocduk.org
You will need: Any form of creative media (paper and pens/pencils/inks/watercolours/paints (or iPad)
The Registration Process
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Day of meeting
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"Hi, I'm Olive and I'm here to help."
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Irrespective of disability, gender, country of origin, race, religion or sexual orientation, everybody is welcomed and respected equally when using, attending and contributing to the OCD-UK online conference and support groups.
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