Collection Box Donations
Despite their size, a collection box can hold a surprising amount of money, on average £25-£30 every 6-8 weeks when placed near a busy shop checkout.
With your help we want to place 30 OCD-UK collection Boxes across the UK this coming year. If each of those boxes raised £25 every 8 weeks, that would result in an additional income of almost £5000 for OCD-UK.
Could you help?
So could you help by placing an OCD-UK collection box in a shop in your local area?
Have a think about where you might be able to place the OCD-UK collection box, and then seek permission of the shop manager and let us know. We will then send you two collection boxes. One to place in the shop, the other ready to rotate about 6-8 weeks later. Then all you need to do is bank the money and send it over to OCD-UK.
Office Swear Box
Work in an office? Perhaps you can help in a different way, perhaps you can use an OCD-UK collection box as an office swear box! Encourage your office colleagues to donate each time they swear in the office, or use a particular phrase of unwanted office jargon.
Collection Bucket to Mini Collection Box
We have a collection box for every occasion!
Perhaps you would like to donate your loose 1p/2p change to OCD-UK? If so then we have a mini collection box. Or perhaps you need a slightly bigger collection box for the reasons listed above, then we have a medium or larger collection box, whatever your reason we have you covered.
We have collection boxes in three different sizes, we can also offer a collection bucket for larger events. The dimensions of those are listed below:
- Collection Bucket: 25cm height, 26cm width.
- Collection Box (Large): 21cm height, 9cm width.
- Collection Box (Medium): 15.5cm height, 9cm width.
- Collection Box (Mini): 9cm height, 6.2cm width.

Get your Collection Box
Using an OCD-UK collection box is a really easy and a very effective way to raise money for OCD-UK. If you could help us by placing an OCD-UK collection box in a shop in your local community, please get in touch by emailing the OCD-UK Fundraising Team.