Anonymous online study investigating the role of mental imagery in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OCD-UKResearch Participation Category


This study has been reviewed, and approved, by University of Oxford MS CUREC board (ref: R70783/RE001).


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Anonymous online study investigating the role of mental imagery in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Can you help us with our research study? My name is Rachael Beale and I am a Trainee Clinical Psychologist at the University of Oxford, working with Professor Craig Steel and Dr Brynjar Halldorsson.

Mental images are the pictures, sounds, smells, and other sensory information that run through our minds when we have a thought or feeling. Troubling mental imagery is understood to be an important feature of many mental health problems, and it is commonly reported by people who experience obsessive-compulsive disorder. However, to date there has been little research investigating the potential role that intrusive mental imagery plays in obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What is the purpose of the study?
We are looking for volunteers aged 18 years and over, to help us understand more about the role that mental imagery (or ‘pictures in your mind’) might play in the extent to which people do or do not have experiences often called obsessions or compulsions. Your help would be very valuable – understanding more about this could help future research enhance treatments for people experiencing obsessive-compulsive disorder.

What will participants be asked to do?

Completing a series of anonymous questionnaires online about common mental health symptoms and your experience of mental imagery (30-40 mins).

To take part or for additional information please read the research information page which can be found at:

Should you have any questions please contact Rachael at