Social Distancing – A Guide for Young People

We understand that social distancing can be difficult, especially if you suffer from OCD. We thought we would put together a few tips on how to stay motivated and positive at home...
1.Social distancing does not mean emotional distancing

Make sure you stay connected with your loved ones. Some ideas;

1) Eye spy; Take a picture of your living room/kitchen/garden and send it to a friend. Pick an object i.e window/plant/tv and wait for them to reply and see if they can guess it. Take it in turns

2) Play chess or scrabble using face time

3) If you would usually meet up and catch up with a friend on a certain day, face time them instead!

2. Limit yourself to how much time you spend on social media/watching TV

It can be difficult to stop yourself from scrolling through Instagram every ten minutes, especially since we are staying at home. If you find yourself spending too much time on social media, swap this for something different. Some ideas:

1) Turn off distractions (phone, laptop, iPad)

2) Read a book

3) Do some baking

4) Make some poetry

5) Start your own blog

6) Write your own book

7) Painting

3. Stay active

Staying active and exercising is good for your mental well-being. Social distancing doesn’t mean you can’t stay active or exercise regularly. Some tips;

1) Yoga outside (weather permitting)

2) At home workouts (i.e Joe Wicks)

3) If you have a pet, play with them in the garden

4) Skipping

4. Use time wisely

Have you ever wanted to try something new but never found the time to do it? Now is your chance! Some ideas;

1) Learn a new language

2) Learn sign language

3) Learn how to sew

4) Teach yourself how to draw and paint

5) Learn how to do creative writing

5. Create a structure

It is easy to lose motivation when you do not have a structure, creating a routine can help with this. Some ideas;

1) Plan what homework you will be doing and how long you will do it for

2) Plan what time you will have lunch

3) Give yourself a start time and a finish time

4) Take regular breaks

5) Give yourself personal targets

6) Allow time for fresh air, even if this means in the garden or by an open window

6. Make the most of your time

Have you been wanting to do something for the past few months but never found the time? Use this time to get it done. Some ideas;

1) Clearing your wardrobe for things you don’t use anymore & putting them to the side to take to charity shops in the future

2) Tidy your room…properly