2021 Virtual OCD-UK Conference - Welcome to Hotel OCD-UK, flying the flag for recovery!

Main Conference Room
This is where the majority of our presentations on OCD, offering hope and inspiration, will take place.
Scroll down this page for the Saturday and Sunday agenda for our main conference room. Please do keep checking back as we may add or change timings slightly right up until the day of the conference.
Our virtual conference is completely free of charge, but should you find a presentation helpful, we welcome a small donation for each presentation you attend, to help us cover our platform costs.
Saturday Agenda (27th Nov)
Main Conference Room
To read more about the presentations or to reserve your place please click on each presentation below.
Presented by Gemma Blueitt from OCD-UK (recording viewable in the subsequent presentation).
Recording available
Taking the plunge: How to take a risk when you feel you can’t
Presented by Professor Paul Salkovskis, University of Oxford
Recording available
It’s not the thought that counts: Unpacking the different types of thoughts and thinking in OCD
Presented by Professor Adam S. Radomsky, Concordia University
Recording available
Medication and OCD - An Overview
Presented by Dr Ilenia Pampaloni, South West London and St George's Mental Health NHS Trust
Sunday Agenda (28th Nov)
Main Conference Room
To read more about the presentations or to reserve your place please click on each presentation below.
Recording available
Loneliness, Social Isolation & Relapse Prevention
Presented by Dr Josie Millar and Lucy Clarkson
Recording available
The relationship between OCD and Perfectionism (and does it matter?)
Presented by Professor Roz Shafran with Gil Barton
Recording available
The Sussex OCD Clinic: Experiences of offering CBT for OCD in an NHS-based service and learning what mindfulness-based approaches might have to offer
Presented by Dr Clara Strauss
Recording available
Making sense of uncertainty in obsessive-compulsive and body dysmorphic disorders
Presented by Professor Mark Freeston
Recording available
Why Are Compulsions So Compelling?
Presented by Professor Christine Purdon, University of Waterloo
Recording available
The Geography of Recovery
Presented by Mark Freeman
Conference Close
Hosted by the OCD-UK Team (access via joining the previous presentation).
Some presentations have a limited number of places for the live presentation and are available on a first come, first served basis. So don't delay, register today!
The Registration Process
Register for each presentation
Find a presentation you wish to attend and click the registration link.
Day of meeting
Click the link within your meeting registration email to access the presentation,
Donate if presentation helpful
If you enjoy or find the presentation helpful, we politely ask you consider making a small donation to help us cover our platform costs.
If you do find this presentation helpful, please consider making a small donation to help cover our platform costs.
"Hi, I'm Olive and I'm here to help."