Getting the most out of remote therapy

OCD-UKArticle (Cat)

Getting the most out of remote CBTWith the delivery of CBT online now the new norm, we have prepared a guide to help you get the most out of your remote therapy.This article was first published in the OCD-UK magazine …

Surviving OCD and COVID-19 by Dr Lauren Callaghan

OCD-UKArticle (Cat)

Friend of OCD-UK, Dr Lauren Callaghan, is currently residing in Australia and inspired by the struggles we have been posting about wanted to try and help. So via Instagram she’s recently started posting a series of daily coping strategies and …

OCD and Coronavirus Survival Tips

OCD-UKArticle (Cat)

If you’re like us, the last thing you want to do is read yet another article or social media post about the coronavirus outbreak (or to give it the official name, COVID-19), but the ongoing public health concerns around the …