Thank you to The Toyota Manufacturing UK Charitable Trust

OCD-UKArticle (Cat)

The Toyota Manufacturing UK Charitable TrustIn 1992 Toyota opened a brand new manufacturing plant in Burnaston, just south of Derby.  Since that time Toyota Manufacturing UK and The Toyota Manufacturing UK Charitable Trust have donated over £7 million pounds to local charities and organisations.  OCD-UK are delighted to be one of the latest charities to receive a donation from The Toyota Manufacturing UK Charitable Trust, and last month OCD-UK Chief Executive Ashley Fulwood (pictured) travelled down from our Belper office to the Toyota plant to receive the grant.

This grant will us to continue to continue offering our over-50s online OCD support group until the end of 2024.   Although we offer online support groups for people of all ages, our over-50s group will help us offer a group to those who are not just dealing with OCD, but often dealing with the collateral damage of living with OCD.  The group aims to reduce the loneliness and isolation that can sometimes be felt when living with OCD. Not only that, but the group offers space to re-introduce lost hope to people who need guidance on their path to recovery.

Our goal is to help mature adults who have a unique experience of OCD to feel understood, have a safe space to share their struggles, and receive solution-based support to help them to reach for recovery. The groups are facilitated by our chief executive, Ashley Fulwood, someone himself over the age of 50 and with lived experience of OCD and has experience of the collateral damage caused by OCD.

The over-50s group is completely free of charge to access, all you need is access to a computer that can access the Zoom platform. If you are aged 50 or over and would like to join the support group it meets once a month.  To access the meeting, you will need to register for a free Zoom account and for each meeting you wish to attend. Click here for details of forthcoming meetings.

OCD-UK would like to thank The Toyota Manufacturing UK Charitable Trust for their kind donation and support of our charity and all those affected by Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.


The Toyota Manufacturing UK Charitable Trust

The Toyota charity celebration event in March 2024.