
Claire Gellard 2021I‘ve battled OCD since my early teens; it has taken over many aspects of my life – not only the day to day rituals but the significant impact on my trust in myself and my own decisions. My OCD comes in waves, but the tide has never really ever gone out. Despite this, the friends, support and community that OCD-UK provides is vital to my perseverance in continuing the fight.

OCD remains a constant challenge but since joining OCD-UK as a trustee many years ago and meeting the wonderful team, that has given me the support to push through those hardest of days.

OCD-UK provides such a wealth of support, guidance and care to so many individuals affected directly and indirectly by this condition; many of whom may not have any other support networks to turn to. I want to help this wonderful charity to grow even bigger in the next year, to raise the profile of the incredible work that goes on, and to support the outreach to so many who need it.

I will be sharing and showcasing the numerous events, seminars, workshops and support groups that are delivered by OCD-UK, as well as exciting fundraising opportunities to help OCD-UK grow, as well as supporting at the annual conferences; all the while continuing to be a proud trustee of this amazing charity.

I am academic assistant at Middlesex University where I am also studying for my PhD.

Claire wrote and directed a short film about OCD called Locked.

The difference we make…
Can I thank you for all the great work your charity does for the OCD community. It blows my mind the effort (physical and mental) you guys put in whilst living with the disorder!Jonathan