OCD-UK is managed by an executive management committee whose members are our trustees. They serve in a voluntary capacity but have ultimate responsibility in law for the charity, its assets and its activities. Their role is to guide, advise and support the chief executive in implementing the charity’s strategic vision, according to the charity’s development plan.
The management committee comprises a diverse range of carefully selected individuals, all of whom started as OCD-UK volunteers. They bring with them a wide variety of skill sets and personal strengths and by electing new trustees in this manner, OCD-UK and its members can be sure that the management committee has the power and drive needed to ensure the charity continues with its objectives.
The chief executive of the charity has day to day responsibility for OCD-UK and takes control of all staff and volunteers.

OCD-UK Management Committee
The charity has two full-time members of staff. The chief executive officer (CEO), is responsible for the day-to-day management of the charity and for implementing policies and working towards the objectives agreed by the charity’s management trustees.
We are always exploring new opportunities to make our limited resources go further and we work hard to get the most from our income by making our organisation’s operating structure as efficient as possible, and we are proud of the fact that our services are operated by just four members of staff and an amazing small team of volunteers.
Every charity must have a governing document setting out the charity’s objects and how it is to be administered. OCD-UK’s constitution is our governing document which was first created when the charity was formed back in 2004, and modified with approval from our members in 2013.
Click here to read our constitution.