
Sara with Beanie Hat

Sara with Beanie Hat

Hi, I’m Sara and I am Support Co-ordinator at OCD-UK.  I was diagnosed with OCD around the age of 15, and struggled to navigate relationships, education and employment because of my symptoms, which were quite debilitating until my mid-20s.  I received unhelpful treatment for many years, and it was only through attending OCD-UK conferences and reading books covering CBT that I was able to see that there was a way out of my distress.  I now consider myself in recovery and am so pleased to now have the opportunity to give back to the charity and help others with OCD.

My role involves responding to support emails, helpline calls and supporting my colleagues with their work.  I have also been interested in psychology for a long time and I am hoping in the future to undertake a part time Open University degree in the subject.