Erin – Illustration

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContact”I’ve messed everything up”An Illustration by OCDUKYA Erin Please complete our short, anonymous feedback form about Erin’s post

Sam – OCD & Taboo thoughts

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContactTaboo ThoughtsBy OCDUKYA Sam Intrusive thoughts, so much taboo surrounds them. In some ways I can understand why, OCD can give you all sorts of nasty thoughts that are completely against your morals as a person. You may …

Leo – OCD & Taboo Thoughts

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContactTaboo ThoughtsBy OCDUKYA Leo LeoIt’s something that doesn’t get talked about much because, well, it’s taboo. But the issue with that is many young people with OCD worry about these taboo thoughts in their brain, and fear talking …

Emily – To my parents & friends

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContactFor my parents & friends By OCDUKYA Emily To my parents & friends,I know I seem irrational, always on high alert and hostile, but my mind doesn’t work quite the same way as yours. I know it seemed …


Mia – The thought that likes to stay

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContactThe thought that likes to stayA Poem by OCDUKYA Mia This thought in my mind, I think about it all the time. When I’m up, when I’m down, it turns my life upside down. However hard I try …

Ella D – Stigma

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContactOCD & StigmaBy OCDUKYA Ella”There’s a certain stigma around OCD. It’s always girls with the colour coordinated pens and people telling them how “OCD” they are, and them agreeing and loving it. Or how someone with a …

Charlotte C – Illustration

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContactOCD IllustrationBy OCDUKYA Charlotte CThese fantastic illustrations were created by OCDUKYA Charlotte, to portray what OCD feels like. Thank you for sharing with us Charlotte. Please complete our short, anonymous feedback form about Charlotte’s post

Ben – 3 top tips

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContact4 Top TipsTop tips for those who have recently been diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, By OCDUKYA Ben- It might seem scary and upsetting right now but it will get better I promise – Try to go to your …

Sam – What I would tell my younger self

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContactWhat I would tell my younger selfA Poem by OCDUKYA Sam If I could go back and tell my younger self that things will be okay, that things will get better, I wouldn’t refrain for a second. Fighting …

Ben – What I would like my loved ones to know

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContactWhat I would like my loved ones to knowBy OCDUKYA Ben “I’d like to say despite the difficulty, despite seeing me struggle and being helpless, you’ve stood by my side and never shown me any sign of doubt …

India – OCD & Taboo thoughts

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContactOCD & Taboo thoughtsBy OCDUKYA India  “What if you did it? That’s something you’d like to do, isn’t it? You like hurting people, don’t you? Normal people wouldn’t think like this… you’re a bad person. Thoughts = …

Rachel – OCD & Taboo thoughts

Zoe WilsonOCD-UK Young Ambassadors (Cat)

Young Ambassadors HomeAboutOur PostsContactOCD & Taboo thoughtsBy OCDUKYA Rachel Never allow yourself to feel ashamed about the thoughts you are having. Your thoughts are involuntary and say nothing about you as a person. The fact that you experience unpleasant emotions by …